Do You Think You Are REALLY Prepared for a Wildfire...?????

**Fire Safe Community

Do you currently have prepared evacuation plans ABC and D ranging - from if you have 3 days’ notice or 5 minutes notice? 

Do you know that your own evacuation plans are 100% solid, with everyone in your household and that they are so well-rehearsed you could do them in your sleep? 

Have you evaluated their property from all directions to assess where your 5 weakest access points for succumbing to a wildfire? 

Have you been evacuated from a fire before?

Have you lost their home to a fire before? 

Do you have an evacuation plan that is coordinated between everyone in your neighborhood?

How many here feel that if we had a catastrophic wildfire today that your community is properly prepared for a well-executed response?

Do either yourself, or someone you know, would need help in an evacuation?  

Do either yourself, or someone you know, would require assistance to evacuate all of their animals?  

Do you know how to turn off your gas and water mains?  

Have you already had your insurance go up by more than 20% in the last year?  

Have you had your insurance canceled?

Have you been forced to go on to the very expensive California fair plan? 

Are you afraid of having your insurance canceled or having your policy be more than you can afford?  

Have you received your insurance information after 10/1/24 - and seen the new boxes to check for your "Wildfire Mitigation discounts"? 

Did you know that as of 10/1/24 there are state mandates for you to get these discounts? 

Has anyone in your area, or from your insurance company reached out to you to explain all of the new changes within the insurance industry that directly affect you?

Do you know what hardening your home means - and what levels 1-2-3 are? 

Have you had anyone in your area offer to help you learn about becoming Certified as a *FirewiseUSA property?

Would you feel safer and sleep better at night if they knew we had a comprehensive & collaborative community wildfire action plan?

Are you aware of the *Firewise USA program and the benefits can provide?

Did you know that the new insurance changes for California taking effect in August mean that the caps for our fire insurance will be removed and they can charge us any amount they want?

Would you feel better if you had someone who could answer all these questions and more – walk you though creating a Fire Safe Community for your area?

And would you be thrilled to save money on your insurance, as well as, proactively positioning yourself to continue having your home remain insurable (aka: sellable and qualifying for mortgage loans)…?


Join Now >>>


**We Will Work closely with Your Community - Ever Expanding Your Wildfire Prepardness, Loss Prevention Mitigations, plus Helping You Maintain Affordable & Sustainable Insurance Coverage Options & Rate Reductions.

Striving to keep your wildfire preparedness at its peak potential ~ while keeping your home value up ~ and Insurance Rates DOWN. 

Let us join together helping each of us expand upon, and fine tune, our current fire preparedness levels, ensuring residents become engaged and familiar with their Neighborhood Evacuation plans and SO MUCH more...

*Important - the Safer From Wildfires Program is a volunteer program that is free and available to all California Residents. There is no fee to participate in, or create, a FirewiseUSA Neighborhood. Our Fire Safe Community Membeship fee is to participate our community driven **Fire Safe Community. Within that Community, members are guided through proper Community Wildfire Mitigation Efforst that may result in qualifying for Safer From Wildfire plans such as the Nationally Certified FirewiseUSA Program.

**Fire Safe Community Disclaimer